Wade "Stab" Holmes & Family

Wade’s Story

In early August, Wade “Stab” Holmes — father, loving husband, fighter pilot, and loyal friend — was diagnosed with Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG). This is an incurable tumor that grows in the brain stem, making surgery almost impossible.

An attempt to remove the cancer was made but was unsuccessful.

Devastated by this news, his family and friends are earnestly and prayerfully searching for clinical trials and experimental treatments. While his cancer is currently incurable, they are holding onto faith.

Living the “Wingman” Motto

There are 2 things we can all do to provide mutual support:

  1. If you have any leads on treatments, clinical trial options, or other rays of hopeful opportunities, fill this form out ASAP.

  2. There are an overwhelming amount of expenses to cover during a medical emergency or long-lasting treatment like Wade’s: hospital stays, chemotherapy, PT, hotels, gas, groceries, childcare…the list is long. His fighter squadron started a GoFundMe, and it’s worth the click to read more about Wade.