🔷 Saved Rounds 9.10.24

Welcome to Tuesday's Saved Rounds, where we send out all the goodies we couldn't squeeze into our Sunday newsletter.

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💣 Clarification: On Sunday, we said that the Navy didn’t have cockpit-selectable fuzing for the JDAMs they employ. In fact, the Navy Hornet/Super Hornet community uniquely uses the Mk 122 safety switch with the FMU-139, giving it a poor man’s form of cockpit selectability. Debrief complete; thanks to those who reached out to set the record straight!

They Said It
“What worked since 1945 is not necessarily going to work now.”

Michael Stewart, executive director of the Navy’s newly-created Disruptive Capabilities Office, on embracing unmanned systems and new concepts to rapidly integrate them with legacy systems to keep an adversary off-balance

Zoom in

Why do defense companies even do marketing? After all, they operate in a monopsonistic industry (aka 1 main buyer of their kit).

Zoom in here to learn more about the rationale and its importance.

Then….if you’re a business interested in advertising, hit us up.


Meme of the Week

The story of Texas Instruments and the laser-guided bomb is one we told a few years ago. This meme came across our feed a few days ago and reminded us that we need to dust off that story for our growing audience. Coming soon…

Saved Rounds

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