🔷 Saved Rounds!

Welcome to Tuesday's Saved Rounds, where we send out all the goodies we couldn't squeeze into our Sunday newsletter.

 PODCAST ALERT! We spoke with Epirus CEO Andy Lowery about High Power Microwave (HPM) weapons and their innovative work in this emerging tech space. Grab the show where you get your content: SpotifyApplePandoraiHeartRadio, and YouTube.

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They Said It
“The government is interested in learning about solutions that can operate above 50,000 feet, visually detect targets and engage multiple threats with its payload.”

The Air Force, announcing its looking for information on low-cost capabilities to counter high-altitude balloons

Zoom in

The war in Ukraine has had massive attrition on both sides, but the narrative of picking apart Russia’s military piecemeal has not played out as expected.

Zoom in here to learn how Russia aggressively reconstituted its military force.

In that Number

69.92 percent

The Air Force’s fleet mission capable (MC) rate in 2023 was 69.92 percent, down from 71.24 percent in 2022. The service aims for an average of 75-80 percent.

Notable standouts were ~50 percent bomber fleet (B-1/B-2/B-52) and ~51 percent stealth fighter fleet (F-22/F-35) MC rates. Ouch.

Together with Epirus

High-power Microwave (HPM) weapons are a type of directed-energy weapon that emits concentrated bursts of electromagnetic energy. These weapons neutralize swarms of drones by disrupting their electronic systems.

Epirus is a venture-backed defense tech company building the next-gen HPM systems and they’re being rapidly deployed with the Army now.

Get up to speed with our full feature write-up, then grab our podcast interview with CEO Andy Lowery that dives even deeper. This is a defense tech episode you don’t want to miss!

Check it out!

Saved Rounds

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